Upsert Block

Some Connectors, such as Salesforce or Marketo, support the Upsert operation, which is a single operation that looks for a record in the target datastore; if the record does not exist, it is inserted or created; if the record exists, it is updated.

The Upsert Block improves performance by combining two operations, Update and Insert, in a single Block. Leverage the Upsert batch processing option to improve efficiency when used with a Connection that counts API calls.

Note: The Upsert Block is available only if it is supported by the Connector.

When configuring an Upsert Block you must:

Block Properties — General Tab

From the Block Properties General Tab, you can change the Block Label, add a description, set batch processing options, and select the entity to use for this operation.

Set Batch Processing Options

Note: Error handling options configured on the Error Handling tab are disabled if Batch Processing is enabled on the Block Properties General tab. When Batch Processing is enabled, the following text is displayed on the Error Handling tab:

Batch processing is enabled, records with errors are processed by subsequent Blocks.

If your Connection supports batch, or bulk, processing, the Batch Processing option is available.

Note: For Salesforce Connections, see Connector for Salesforce for additional information.
  1. Select the Process This Operation In Batches Of check box.
  2. Select the size of the batch; from 1 to 10,000.

    When the app runs, the source records are stored and then processed in batches of the specified number of records for this block.

Block Properties — Fields Tab

From the Block Properties Fields Tab, you can:

When using the Fields tab, you can:

For detailed information about using the Fields tab, see Block Properties Fields Tab.

Note: When you first open the Fields tab, the icon displays and the Errors/ Warnings tab indicates that there are Errors and Warnings. This is expected behavior. Errors and Warnings display for the General and Fields tabs until all required data has been entered and the Validate button has been selected. See Block And Flow Errors And Warnings.

Block Properties — Error Handling Tab

Use the Error Handling options to enable or disable processing this record when a block operation encounters a problem. For the Upsert block, errors can be logged when an operation fails.

See Block Properties Error Handling Tab for additional information.

Block Properties — Errors And Warnings Tab

If there are any errors or warnings for this block, the Errors and Warnings tab displays the number of errors or warnings in the tab name. See Block And Flow Errors And Warnings.

Once you have corrected the errors, select the Validate button to update the Errors and Warnings tab.

Related Topics

Working With Blocks

Mapping Blocks

Viewing Execution History

Batch Processing