Block Properties Error Handling Tab

Use the Error Handling options on the Block Properties General Tab to customize certain error messages generated from block operations and to enable or disable processing the failed record when a block operation encounters a problem. Messages available vary depending on the specific block being configured. In addition, you can choose whether or not to consider certain conditions as record errors. This gives you some measure of flow control.

For example, in a Lookup Block, you can choose whether or not to send a message if more than one match is found for the Lookup condition. In this case:

Note: You can only change error handling for certain conditions. For example, for blocks that use Matching Criteria, such as Update, Delete, Update/Insert, and Upsert, a matching criterion that matches more than one record always generates a record error.
Note: Error handling options configured on the Error Handling tab are disabled if Batch Processing is enabled on the Block Properties General tab. When Batch Processing is enabled, the following text is displayed on the Error Handling tab:

Batch processing is enabled, records with errors are processed by subsequent Blocks.

Use Error Messages To Determine Record Process Flow

From the Error Handling section, for each error message, read both the description of this failure condition and the text provided by TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect.

For each condition, decide whether to enable or disable the error handling. TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect treats the records as follows:

Note: In general, best practice is not to turn off error handling if you do not have a clear understanding of your data. If you make changes, be sure that you carefully test the results before moving to a production system.

Using Formulas In Error Messages

If you include a formula in your error handling tab, consider the following:

Tip: To be sure your formula is valid, follow these steps:
  1. Add a temporary block immediately above or below the block where you plan to add a formula, such as a Create block, and select an entity.
  2. On the Fields tab, open the Formula editor and build your formula.
  3. Click the Validate button to make sure you have a valid formula.
  4. Copy the formula and paste it into the FORMULA parameter on the Error Handling tab of the original Block and save it.
  5. Delete the temporary block from your flow.

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Working With Blocks