Add Block

The Add block adds child data into a parent record for zero to many relationships in datastores that support hierarchical data. For example, if the source parent record Account, contains one or more Contact child records, you can use the Add block to add Contact records to that Account record. When the Account record is complete, including its associated child records, it is written to the target datastore along with all of the child data, in a single operation. See Hierarchical Data.

Note: This block is only available for Connections that support hierarchical data.


When working with Add blocks, note the following:

Note: The Add block does not have any operation results that can be used in subsequent blocks.
Note: Change Block Operation Type and Batch Processing are not supported for target blocks associated with hierarchical data.

As part of configuring an Add block, you:

Note: This Add block is specifically for use with hierarchical data and is not the Add block displayed for some Connections with special Add operations, such as Connections to Salesforce Pardot or HubSpot. Refer to the Help for the specific Connector for a list of supported operations and data types.

Block Properties — General Tab

From the Block Properties General Tab, you can change the Block Label, add a description, and select the child entity to use for this operation.

Use the Path field to select the child entity to be added. This field also shows you the relationships. In the image below you can see that country is the parent of state and state is the parent of city.

Block Properties — Fields Tab

From the Block Properties Fields Tab, you can:

When using the Fields tab, you can:

For detailed information about using the Fields tab, see Block Properties Fields Tab.

Note: When you first open the Fields tab, the icon displays and the Errors/ Warnings tab indicates that there are Errors and Warnings. This is expected behavior. Errors and Warnings display for the General and Fields tabs until all required data has been entered and the Validate button has been selected. See Block And Flow Errors And Warnings.

Block Properties — Error Handling Tab

Use the Error Handling options to enable or disable processing this record when a block operation encounters a problem. For the Add block, errors can be logged when an operation fails. See Block Properties Error Handling Tab for additional information.

Note: For most runtime errors, the error handling setting on the CreateWith, UpdateWith, or UpsertWith block supersedes the error handling set on any Add blocks within it, even if the problem is generated by one of the fields in the Add block.

If this setting is checked, an error from any part of the data, parent or child, generates a record error and no more blocks execute for that record. If the setting is unchecked, no error is written to the log and the flow continues running with the text of the error available in the Result Fields.

Block Properties — Errors And Warnings Tab

If there are any errors or warnings for this block, the Errors and Warnings tab displays the number of errors or warnings in the tab name. See Block And Flow Errors And Warnings.

Once you have corrected the errors, select the Validate button to update the Errors and Warnings tab.

Related Topics

Working With Blocks

Mapping Blocks

CreateWith Block

UpdateWith Block

UpsertWith Block

Viewing Execution History

Batch Processing