Build Reply Block

Use the Build Reply Block to add fields in a reply to a custom application in a Request/Reply Flow.

If you do not use a Build Reply Block, the reply is empty.

Note: For an example of a Request/Reply flow using two Build Reply blocks to create a hierarchical reply, see Request/Reply Flow Example.

Block Properties — General Tab

From the General tab, you can:

Block Properties — Fields Tab

For the Build Reply Block, the Fields tab is similar to the Block Properties Fields Tab in a Create or Update Block with the following differences:

Using The Fields Tab

  1. From the Fields tab, you can either:
    • Drag the fields you want to include in your reply from the left pane to the right.
    • In the right pane, select New to create a new field and then map a source field to it.
    Note: TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect uses the lower camel case naming convention for field names sent in the Reply. Field names that do not follow that convention are changed in the response payload. Best practice is to use lower or lower camel casing, such as lastName instead of LastName. A warning symbol () is displayed when this naming convention is not followed.
  2. After moving or creating fields, you can:
    • Change the field name — Field names must start with a letter and can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
    • Change the data type — Select the Type column for the field you want to change. Select the data type for this field from the Type drop-down.
    • Add or edit a formula — Select the Formula icon in the field you want to edit to open the Formula Editor. See Formula Editor Overview for more information.

Block Properties — Errors And Warnings Tab

If there are any errors or warnings for this block, the Errors and Warnings tab displays the number of errors or warnings in the tab name. See Block And Flow Errors And Warnings.

Once you have corrected the errors, select the Validate button to update the Errors and Warnings tab.

Related Topics

Defining An On Event Request/Reply Flow

Wait For Request Block

Send Reply Block