Send Reply Block

The Send Reply Block is used in Request/Reply flows. This Block causes the app to exit the current flow immediately and either continue to the next flow or exit the app with a fatal error.

Block Properties — General Tab

From the General tab, you can change the Block Label and add a description.

Block Properties — Error Handling Tab

Use the Send Reply Handling options to determine app behavior after exiting the flow.

In this tab, map is the equivalent of flow. From the Send Reply Handling section, you can choose to either:

Errors And Warnings Tab

If there are any errors or warnings for this block, the Errors and Warnings tab displays the number of errors or warnings in the tab name. See Block And Flow Errors And Warnings.

Once you have corrected the errors, select the Validate button to update the Errors and Warnings tab.

Related Topics

Defining An On Event Request/Reply Flow

Wait For Request Block

Build Reply Block