Data Conversion

When you use a formula to process data, TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect, when needed, tries to convert your data into a data type that can be used by the function. If the function cannot convert the value, it returns Data Type Mismatch errors. In this case, you can try to convert the value using the appropriate data conversion function. See Data Conversion Functions.

Converting Fields With Custom Data Types

If your datastore contains fields with user-defined data types, the fields display in the Block Properties — Fields tab with a data type of Object. To use these fields in an integration, you may need to convert the data to a data type that can be recognized by the other target datastore.

Use a data conversion function to convert the field to a usable data type. Make sure that you understand the contents of a field before you convert it so you can select a compatible data type.

Related Topics

Mapping Custom Data Types

Data Conversion Functions

TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect Functions

Formula Editor Operators

Formula Editor Overview