Configuring App Variables

You can late-bind property values for a TIBCO BusinessWorks, TIBCO Flogo®, or Node.js apps on the App Details page, in the Environment Controls tab. The current values of app variables can be inspected, modified, or reset to their defaults.

Note: In TIBCO BusinessWorks and specific pages or dialogs, variables are called properties.

You can configure Application and Engine variables for remote apps using the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration user interface. See Using the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Hybrid Agent. Some options on the App Details page in the Environment Controls tab are disabled or do not display when accessing variables for remote apps.

Adding Application Variables

TIBCO BusinessWorks

New application variables for TIBCO BusinessWorks Apps can be added in TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™.

New application variables for apps can be added in the App Properties dialog on the Flows tab. When the app is repushed, the variables display in the Application variables section of the Environment controls tab. See App Properties, Environment Variables, and the Environment Variables List in the help.


New application variables for Node.js apps, can be added by modifying the manifest using the tibcli-node tool, as described in Using Environment Variables in Node.js Apps.

Modifying App Variable Values

Saving new configuration changes restarts the app with the new values. This allows you to modify App variables without pushing and building a new app archive, speeding up changes for moving from test to production, or changing credentials or other variables.

To view and change Application variables:

  1. Log in to TIBCO Cloud™ Integration.
  2. Click the Apps tab.
  3. Click a running TIBCO BusinessWorks, , or Node.js app in the listed apps.
  4. Click the Environment controls tab.
  5. Click Application variables.

    A list of app variables is shown in the Application variables pane. For each variable, the name, type, and value are shown. You can view and edit environment variable values on this pane.

  6. To change a variable, click the displayed value and enter a new value. To return the value to its default value, click Set to Default.

    Note: Password property values are encrypted on the server using strong encryption. They can only be used by your app and cannot be inspected. You can set password properties in either plaintext or by using the BusinessWorks obfuscated format. See Configuring App Variables with the TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface for more details on using bwobfuscator.
  7. After you have made changes, the No updates to push text in the upper right changes to two links: Discard changes and Push updates. Click Push updates to restart the app with the new values, or click Discard changes to discard the changes made.

    Note: If you repush a app after modifying a variable, the modified variable is reset to the original default value. For example, if the default value for prop1="red" and the modified value for prop1="blue", repushing the app sets prop1 back to the default value "red".

Deleting Application Variables

TIBCO BusinessWorks

Application variables for TIBCO BusinessWorks Apps can be deleted in TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™. Custom variables can be deleted under the App Details > Environment Controls > Engine variables pane.

Application variables for apps can be deleted in the App Properties dialog by selecting the Properties button on the App Details > Flows tab. Hover over the variable and select the Delete button.

Custom variables can be deleted under the App Details > Environment Controls > Engine variables pane.


Application variables for Node.js apps, can be deleted by modifying the manifest using the tibcli-node tool, as described in Using Environment Variables in Node.js Apps.

Engine Variables

TIBCO BusinessWorks

Note: In TIBCO BusinessWorks, Engine Variables are called System Properties.

Refreshing App Variables

TIBCO BusinessWorks apps have application variables and engine variables. For running apps, use the Refresh App Properties button on the Engine Variables tab to dynamically update Application Variables configured in third-party configuration or credential management solutions. The refresh process retrieves properties from third-party configuration management or credential management solutions.

When using the Refresh App Properties button, you may encounter the following messages: 

Message Description
Application Properties updated successfully. The app is running and the third-party configuration management or credential management solutions are configured.
No configuration / credential management configured with the Application.

The app is stopped and third-party configuration management or credential management solutions are not configured. 

The app is running, but third-party configuration or credential management solutions are not configured.

Failed to update Application properties. The app is stopped, but third-party configuration or credential management solutions are configured.

Engine Variables List

The values for the following variables can be changed under the App Details > Environment Controls > Engine variables pane:

Note: In , Engine Variables are called System Properties.

apps have application variables and engine variables, which are environment variables specific to the runtime environment. The values for the following variables can be changed under the App Details > Environment Controls > Engine variables pane:


The value of the following variable for Node.js apps can be changed under the App Details > Environment Controls > Engine variables pane:

Modifying Engine Variable Values

To view and change Engine variables:

  1. Log in to TIBCO Cloud™ Integration.
  2. Click the Apps tab.
  3. Click a running TIBCO BusinessWorks, , or Node.jsapp in the listed apps.
  4. Click the Environment controls tab.
  5. Click Engine variables.

    A list of variables is shown in the Engine variables pane. For each variable, the name, description, type, and value are shown. You can view and edit Engine variable values on this pane.

  6. To change a variable, click the displayed value and enter a new value. To return the value to its default value, click Set to Default.
  7. After you have made changes, the No updates to push text in the upper right changes to two links: Discard changes and Push updates. Click Push updates to restart the app with the new values, or click Discard changes to discard the changes made.

Adding Custom Engine Variables

You can also add your own custom variables in the Engine variables pane for TIBCO BusinessWorks and apps. This enables you to control the runtime behavior of an app.

Note: In TIBCO BusinessWorks and , User-defined variables are called Custom Properties.

To add or change a custom variable:

  1. Click the Apps tab.
  2. Click a running TIBCO BusinessWorks or app in the listed apps.
  3. Click the Environment controls tab.
  4. Click Engine variables.
  5. Click the Add Variable button:

  6. New properties appear at the bottom of the list. Add or change the name of your variable, the type, and its value.

  7. Click Push updates.
Note: Custom variable names must start with a letter or an underscore, and can contain letters, digits, or underscores. They cannot include the following characters: @, :, $, %, &, /, +, ,, ;, ) and whitespace characters.
Note: You cannot create a custom variable with any of the following names:
Note: If you add a custom variable with the same name as an existing system variable, the custom variable takes precedence over the system variable.

For example, if you add a custom variable named bw.engine.stepcount, it would take precedence over the value set in the BW_ENGINE_STEPCOUNT variable.

Deleting Custom Variables

To delete a custom property or variable for a TIBCO BusinessWorks or app

  1. Click the Apps tab.
  2. Click a running TIBCO BusinessWorks or app in the listed apps.
  3. Click the Environment controls tab.
  4. Click Engine variables.
  5. Hover over the Custom variable, and a trash can icon appears.
  6. Click the trash can, then click Push Updates.

Role Requirements

Related Topics

Configuring App Variables with the TIBCO Cloud™ - Command Line Interface

Using Environment Variables in Node.js Apps

App Details Page