Re-running a TIBCO Flogo® Flow Instance from Execution History

If you have enabled Execution History, you can re-run a flow instance from the App Details > Execution History tab. Re-running a flow instance requires that specific fields exist in the database that collects Execution History data.

To enable and use the Re-run option: 

  1. Disable the Execution History service using the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration API, as described in Disabling the Execution History Service for an Organization with the API.
  2. Review the tables in the database you configured to collect Execution History data. See Configuring the PostgreSQL Database for Flogo App Execution History for complete information on the database. Ensure that each table has the following columns: 
    • flowinput
    • flowoutput
    • reruncount
  3. If those columns do not exist, run the following set of commands on each table.
      ALTER TABLE public.flowstate ADD flowinput bytea NULL;
      ALTER TABLE public.flowstate ADD flowoutput bytea NULL;
      ALTER TABLE public.flowstate ADD reruncount integer NULL;
      ALTER TABLE public.flowstate ALTER COLUMN misc TYPE bytea USING misc::text::bytea;
      ALTER TABLE public.steps ALTER COLUMN misc TYPE bytea USING misc::text::bytea;
  4. Enable the Execution History service again using the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration API, as described in Enabling the Execution History Service for an Organization with the API.

When the database tables have been successfully updated, any new Execution History records collected after the update can be selected and that instance of the flow can be re-run as follows: 

  1. On the Apps page, select a TIBCO Flogo® app.
  2. On the App details page, select the Execution History tab.
  3. Use the filters on the Execution History tab to select a specific process, status, or time frame.
  4. Locate the instance of the flow you want to re-run.
  5. Select Re-run from the menu for that flow instance.