Configuring a App for Execution History

When you enable the Execution History service for an organization, it publishes, stores, and retrieves execution statistics generated by apps. Those apps must be configured to use the Execution History service.

  1. On the App Details page, select the Execution History tab.
  2. Make sure that the Execution History service for the organization is successfully enabled. If the Execution History service is not enabled for the org, an error message is displayed. Instructions to enable the service using the Platform API are also displayed.
  3. Note:

    While enabling the Execution History service, by default, two instances of the service are launched as it is a request-heavy service. So, you must set the dbMaxOpenConnection parameter in the payload accordingly while launching it. For example, if 250 is the available connection count from the database for the Execution History service, use 250/2 = 125 in the payload because both instances of the service use this number for the database connection.

    "dbPort": "54320",
  4. Select the Persist Execution Data toggle button to persist execution data to the supported database (currently, PostgreSQL).

Once your app is registered with the Hybrid Agent, execution statistics display in the Execution History tab. See Viewing Execution History for a Flogo App.