Creating Native Queries For Microsoft SQL Server

For Connectors that support native languages, such as Microsoft SQL Server, use the Native Query Block in a flow to write your own free form query.

When you write a native query, the following rules apply:

TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect uses the query to create a read-only virtual source entity. While you can read this entity from other Blocks:

Any field names resulting from the query must be unique. If you join two tables that both have a field named 'Id,' then you must write the query to generate a unique name for each Id field.

For example, the following query calls both Customers.Id and SalesOrders.Id:

Select Customers.CompanyName, Customers.Id, SalesOrders.OrderNumber, SalesOrders.Id
From Customers join SalesOrders on...

To work with TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect, rewrite the query using the AS clause. For example:

Select Customers.CompanyName, Customers.Id as CustomerId, SalesOrders.OrderNumber, SalesOrders.Id as SalesOrderId 
From Customers join SalesOrders on...

A Native Query must return exactly one result set; for example, the following query is not allowed:

Select * from Accounts
Select * from Contacts

Metadata fields that display on the source side may show unexpected values for Allow Nulls and Primary Key.

If the source metadata changes, you must retest the query; resetting the metadata does not properly update the metadata.

When testing a Native Query in a flow, if the source datastore does not return any data, TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect cannot build the schema for the underlying metadata and the flow cannot be saved. To allow TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect to build the schema, do the following:

  1. Create a single temporary record in the source datastore that matches the Native Query.
  2. Test the Native Query and ensure that it is successful.
  3. Save the flow.
  4. Remove the temporary record from the source datastore.

Related Topics

Defining An Integration Flow

Query Block

Block Properties Filter Tab

Control Blocks