Reprocessing Replicated Data Records

Data replication apps copy data from a source datastore to a target datastore. If records have not been replicated properly due to a network or server outage, or an incorrect server time, you may need to reprocess records that already exist in your target datastore.

When a Data replicationapp executes, TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect locates new or updated source records, based on a datetime field, and only replicates those records. The source Connector specifies the datetime field to be used for the Last Modified Date for each table.

These date fields are used each time a Data replication app executes to select only new or updated source records for replication. When the Data replication app executes, TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect checks the target datastore for the most recent date in the date fields specified by the Connector. TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect uses that date to filter records in the source datastore. Records selected for replication include only records newer than the most recent date in any target record in the selected table.

If there is a Fatal Exception during replication, the next time the Data replication app executes TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect subtracts 500 milliseconds from the date/time field found in the target table where the failure occurred. This ensures that no records are missed, however, a few records may be reprocessed unnecessarily.

If you need to reprocess records, you have the following options:

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Data Replication Apps

Creating or Editing a Data Replication App

Most Recent Record Processed

Editing the Source Schema

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