Attaching a Flow to One or More Triggers

If you had created a blank flow without attaching it to a trigger, you can attach it to an existing trigger that is being used by another flow in the same app.

A flow that was created without being attached to a trigger has its input and output parameters defined on the Flow Inputs & Outputs accordion tab. You can access it by clicking the blue bar with the same label. The output from the trigger is the input to the flow. So, you must map the input parameters defined on the Input tab of this dialog to the trigger output parameters. This mapping must be done in the trigger. The mapping creates a contract between the trigger and the flow and is mandatory for the flow and the trigger to interact with each other.

You can use one of these methods to attach a flow to a trigger:

  1. From the app details page:
    1. Open the app details page by clicking the app.
    2. Hover over No trigger, then click Add trigger. The flow details page opens.
  2. From the flow details page:
    1. Open the flow details page by clicking the flow name on the app details page.
    2. From the Triggers palette, drag a desired trigger to the triggers area.

For REST and GraphQL triggers, you are prompted to enter additional handler setting details. See "REST Trigger" for details on the fields. See "GraphQL Trigger" for details on the fields.

Click the trigger icon to configure the trigger as needed. For REST and GraphQL triggers, be sure to map the trigger outputs to flow inputs and the flow outputs to the trigger reply.